Awesome Deal

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Today, we went to JoAnne's and Big Lots, just to look around a bit. I wanted to get some fabric at JoAnne's to make neckerchiefs for the dogs. I was surprised when we got there, they had so many Christmas things that were 90% off. I got a few cute stockings and other decorations for super cheap. The stockings were regular $19.99 and I got them for $1.98. I don't know where my receipt went, but I saved $131, all together.

At Big Lots we didn't really buy anything much. Some crackers and cookies for Cam's lunch, 40 packs for $5 and 18 packs of Mentos for $5.

I am off to go and cut the fabric for the dogs
neckerchiefs. They are going to be the most festive dogs on the block.


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